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Farmer’s Daughter

Farmer’s Daughter

The inspiration for today's post comes from my friend Doug Peterson (@dougpete). We had an exchange on Twitter yesterday about farm life and it brought back a flood of welcome memories. Thanks to a recent visit back home in Forest, and the ScannerPro iPad app, I was...

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An Udderly Moo-ving Request

An Udderly Moo-ving Request

  As many of you know, I have picked up a pretty interesting summer photography gig that has me vagabonding across Toronto and Ontario gathering original snaps for a new World Cultures course for Ontario distance education. I am having a blast and learning a lot...

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About Me

Hi, I’m Patti, wonderer, wanderer and photographer. During the week I’m a marketer in the publishing industry and on weekends I take to the road to explore this beautiful planet we live on.