This Wild Spirit
Back in 1912, renaissance woman Mary Vaux wrote of her adventures in the Canadian Rockies: "A day on the trail, or a scramble over the glacier, or even with a quiet day at camp to get things in order for morrow's conquest? Somehow when once this wild spirit enters the...
“Farming is a Profession of Hope” – Brian Brett
Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there, and to my Dad, Jack! As I am out on my Southern Alberta back road adventures each weekend I often think of my Dad, who would love the wide open spaces, the acres and acres of fertile ground, the field after field dotted...
“Clouds In My Coffee”
Have you ever been on a long drive, listening to the radio, and actually start really listening to the lyrics of songs? On most of my Alberta Adventures I have been "in the zone" paying attention to my Back Roads of Alberta maps and, of course, the road ahead....