Begin Anyway
The reading world lost a beloved friend this week. Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, passed away at the age of 89. Through her gifted knack for storytelling and character-building, Lee opened a window into the American south of the 1960's that decades have...

The Best Game You Can Name
Does anyone have Stompin' Tom's Good Old Hockey Game now on repeat in your head? That classic ode to Canada's game, and its singer, Stompin' Tom Connors, was a favourite of my Dad's, along with Bud The Spud of course. I took the photo above last night at the Toronto...

Love Is a House With Many Rooms
On this Family Day Weekend in beautiful British Columbia, I am burrowed in my airy, bright Coquitlam apartment, spending a much-needed "not-going-anywhere day" with a delicious new read, Yann Martel's The High Mountains of Portugal. Ever since the remarkable Life of...