by pattihenderson | Feb 21, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
The reading world lost a beloved friend this week. Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, passed away at the age of 89. Through her gifted knack for storytelling and character-building, Lee opened a window into the American south of the 1960’s that decades...
by pattihenderson | Feb 15, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
Does anyone have Stompin’ Tom’s Good Old Hockey Game now on repeat in your head? That classic ode to Canada’s game, and its singer, Stompin’ Tom Connors, was a favourite of my Dad’s, along with Bud The Spud of course. I took the photo...
by pattihenderson | Feb 7, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
On this Family Day Weekend in beautiful British Columbia, I am burrowed in my airy, bright Coquitlam apartment, spending a much-needed “not-going-anywhere day” with a delicious new read, Yann Martel’s The High Mountains of Portugal. Ever since the...
by pattihenderson | Jan 31, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
This week I had the good fortune to visit Bayview Elementary School in Nanaimo as part of my job as a Publisher’s Rep. As I drove up to the school, I was met by this amazing mural proudly displayed on the front of the school. I just had to take a quick snap. I...
by pattihenderson | Jan 24, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
Author Hermann Hesse wrote: “One never reaches home, but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home.” Last week I traveled “home” for a work-related conference in Toronto where I captured the photo above of iconic...
by pattihenderson | Jan 10, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
Last Sunday, just days into the New Year, I made a resolution to pick up my camera, get outside, put one foot in front of the other and explore. That day I actually wound up reading instead (which happens to me a lot!). It turns out I was looking for a bit of...