by pattihenderson | Jun 5, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
On Friday night I had the good fortune to attend Starry Nights high atop Burnaby Mountain at the stunning Simon Fraser University Campus, shown in my photo above. It was a warm, clear evening at the end of a hectic, emotional week and I have to thank a dear friend for...
by pattihenderson | May 15, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
Building upon last week’s post about The Museum of Anthropology, I thought I should shine a light on the oft-photographed Bill Reid sculpture, The Raven and the First Men, found deep within the museum. The stunning, mirthful, yellow cedar carving reveals the...
by pattihenderson | May 8, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
The past few glorious weekends have presented me with a wonderful set of adventures on the campus of the University of British Columbia. On site originally for a work visit with Associate Dean of Teacher Education and author Wendy Carr, I just knew I had to come back...
by pattihenderson | Apr 3, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
In celebration of Museum Week 2016 (#MuseumWeek), I thought I would share with you my recent visit to the stunning new Audain Art Museum in Whistler, British Columbia. Nestled in amongst soaring trees at the base of Whistler-Blackomb’s highest peaks, the Audain...
by pattihenderson | Mar 27, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
Easter means many things to many people. For me it is a time of renewal and a time for family. I took the photo above of the lovely camellia blossom at my cousin Marian’s during a much-appreciated visit for Easter Long Weekend. My time with Marian and Bob and...
by pattihenderson | Mar 6, 2016 | Weekend Adventures
Spring is in the air! I know it may not seem so everywhere and every day but there are signs if you use your senses to see, hear, and feel them. My favourite sign occurs before the natural world tells us it is spring. Tulips arrive in grocery stores and flower shops....