by pattihenderson | Dec 12, 2009 | Weekend Adventures
To start making Christmas cards. Today is the day. I have a picture picked out that is festive and rustic. Now to go shopping for card stock and maybe some fancy paper to provide that visual umph. I still remember last year’s card-making day fondly. I had...
by pattihenderson | Dec 4, 2009 | Weekend Adventures
CSI Miami-ish skys… And some air traffic… More air… Yum… Met some cool new skinny-legged friends, and had time to make a beach pun (for my niece)… And now it is time for Jen and I to sail into the sunset, leaving Florida behind. Canada,...
by pattihenderson | Dec 4, 2009 | Weekend Adventures
On Donner, on Dasher, on Prancer and…Flipper??? As I hear the gentle strains of The Little Drummer Boy played on harmonica and…I think…bongos…drifting up from the tiki bar…I’m reminded that it’s that time of year again. ...
by pattihenderson | Dec 4, 2009 | Weekend Adventures
“Stepped on a pop top”…can you name that Jimmy Buffett song? Day 3 of the Great Florida Adventure saw Jen and I heading south to Key West take it its famous sunset. We were not disappointed! We managed front row seats at a funky patio right on the...
by pattihenderson | Nov 30, 2009 | Weekend Adventures
Hey! I’m on vacation. In Florida! I know, even I’m amazed. And grateful to KB for this unexpected, un-planned-for excellent adventure in the sunny south. I will admit right now to a gruesome sunburn on Day 1. Due to napping. Outside. My travelling...
by pattihenderson | Nov 24, 2009 | Weekend Adventures
This past weekend’s photo adventure took me to my favourite neighbourhood in Toronto, The Distillery District. Someday when I grow up I will live there in an artsy loft. For now, I just enjoy taking the 501 streetcar down to this neighbourhood every so often...