by pattihenderson | Jan 24, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
This weekend found me on the road to visit good friends in Morriston, Ontario, just outside of Guelph. While in the area, why not explore? One of my favourite places to visit is Elora just north of Guelph. Great shops, old rustic buildings, lovely restaurants. ...
by pattihenderson | Jan 24, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
Over the past few weeks I’ve migrated 9000 some photos from my poor little laptop to my new tank of a desktop. In the process, I’ve found some photos that must’ve dropped on the cutting room floor during my first pass at editing. Much like one of...
by pattihenderson | Jan 12, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
You can tell I haven’t been on a back road adventure in a while if I’m sharing a picture of my home office with you. I am doing so with beaming pride, however. Several weeks ago I treated myself to a “new” as in new to me Mid-Century Modern...
by pattihenderson | Jan 4, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
If it hadn’t been for all the snow, and the fact that I visited on New Year’s Day (the day when the world shuts down…not a bad thing!), I would have stayed all day in Creemore. If you haven’t been to this charming small town, you must go. ...
by pattihenderson | Jan 2, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
Ok, so this “self-portrait” wasn’t intentional. More of a surprise come photo editing time this morning. But it got me to thinking. Are there any singletons reading this post? If you are, you likely have experienced the occasions when you are out...
by pattihenderson | Jan 2, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
On this News Years Day, 2010, it would be typical to think of resolutions, if only they stuck. Instead, I’m calling this blog post Resolute, in honour of my dedication to get outside and enjoy the day. Today I was resolute in my plan to head north of the city...