by pattihenderson | Feb 17, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
So today is my birthday. I am 29 with 13 years experience…and I just wanted to share a few snaps from my day of celebrating simple, ordinary miracles. Like long walks, vanilla bean lattes, and the first sign of spring, simple white tulips. Life is...
by pattihenderson | Feb 15, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
How cool is it when you can combine 2 passions at once? Those who know me well know that I love sports and recently I’ve added photography to a short list of passions (it knocked cooking and cleaning off the list :)) This past summer I had the good fortune to...
by pattihenderson | Feb 14, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
Some of you might be wondering why so many patriotic posts about the Winter Olympics? Well, I’m an unabashed sports nut. I cannot get enough of these fabulous and sometimes wacky winter sports. Perhaps having competed at a provincial level in one equally...
by pattihenderson | Feb 13, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
Did anyone catch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics last night? After speeding back down the 401 from Ottawa yesterday I’m glad I got home in time to catch what I can only call a truly Canadian spectacle. I can’t decide if my favourite highlight was...
by pattihenderson | Feb 13, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
I just pulled in from a road trip to our nation’s capitol, and before I switch my computer off to watch the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Olympics, I thought I’d post one of my Ottawa snaps from Parliament Hill. Fitting. I also thought it might be a good...
by pattihenderson | Feb 7, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
Last weekend I took a road trip home to my home town, Forest. It was my nephew’s birthday and where there’s cake, I will go! I visited a few of my favourite haunts. The Forest Florist is a home decor mecca, and just behind it is a fabulous antiques shop...