by pattihenderson | Feb 28, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
We believed!
by pattihenderson | Feb 28, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
I am such a lucky gal! My work in educational publishing allows me to travel across Canada. I’m fortunate to meet many talented educators dedicated to insuring students feel and be successful. Since I picked up my Canon Rebel a year ago, it has been my...
by pattihenderson | Feb 27, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
Typically a lover of super-saturated photos, I thought I’d share with you one of my few black and white shots. I took this photo in the fall while at a teacher’s conference at beautiful Lake Louise. This is Castle Mountain Alberta in all its glory. If...
by pattihenderson | Feb 26, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
As I sit here in my Team Canada hockey jersey anxiously anticipating tonight’s semi-final men’s hockey game, yet still basking in the glow of last night’s gold medal win by our women’s team, I’m struck by how emotionally drained I am as...
by pattihenderson | Feb 21, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
As I sit at my desk decked out in my Team Canada jersey, nervously looking forward to tonight’s battle with our rivals to the south, I am pondering what it is about these Winter Games that has fostered such a passionate outpouring of national pride, despite...
by pattihenderson | Feb 20, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
I know, I know…we’re still in February. But can’t you sense it? I am seeing signs of spring everywhere and it is not just the fanciful dreams of a wishful thinker. My first sign is the arrival of tulips at my local grocer. Lots and lots of tulips...