by pattihenderson | Jul 4, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
On Saturday I had my first Ginger Snaps photo adventure in quite some time. I decided to stay close to home for this long weekend and took the trusty TTC to a groovy up-and-coming west end Toronto neighbourhood called The Junction (and as I walked its main street I...
by pattihenderson | Jun 26, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
Recently I had the pleasure to volunteer a blog header design for a very talented work colleague of mine, Cristina Getson. Like many of the folk I know in the publishing industry, Cristina brings a sharp mind to her daily work as an editor, but also has a highly...
by pattihenderson | Jun 19, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
Why don’t I go to the show more often? Last weekend I actually found some time to go and see a movie and I realized how I’d forgotten what a treat going to see a flick is. And it is not just about the movie. It is about the whole experience. So when I...
by pattihenderson | Jun 13, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
I had full intentions of going out yesterday to capture World Cup fever in Toronto. I was hoping for painted faces, brightly coloured scarves, or even better, a shot of a pick-up match in a park. What did I find worthy of posting? Well…yesterday turned out to...
by pattihenderson | Jun 5, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
Does the photo above remind you of the girl in the red coat in Steven Spielberg’s compelling movie Schindler’s List? It is actually a photo I took in Havana several years back transformed by a groovy app called Coloursplash on my now beloved gadget, the...
by pattihenderson | May 30, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
Last weekend on my road trip home, I made a stop at a now familiar haunt, the village of Bayfield. If you are ever lucky enough to get out to Ontario’s west coast (Lake Huron), this place is well worth the visit. Fortunately for me my favourite sign of early...