by pattihenderson | Dec 4, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
To be perfectly honest, I was going to name this post “Never Blog on Tuesdays” in reference to my blip of a post this week (missed it? click here). As my adventuresome blog enters its second year of existence I am learning (it would seem very...
by pattihenderson | Nov 30, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
As I sit in my wee apartment on the boardwalk here in Toronto, I can hear the waves of Lake Ontario crashing on shore, and see the bright twinkling lights that adorn the trees along the boardwalk and envelope the Leuty Lifeguard Station. It is Christmas dear...
by pattihenderson | Nov 21, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
This post is dedicated to a very talented young writer named Jaylyn Harrower from my hometown, Forest, Ontario. While I was away in New York last month each evening I posted a few of the snaps from my adventures on Facebook. One evening after getting back from a...
by pattihenderson | Nov 7, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
For those of you who have been following my blog in the past year, you know that I like to tell a story either about the featured photo or about the place where I took the photo. Well, this week’s post is no different but you might be wondering what a picture...
by pattihenderson | Oct 31, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
On a recent Western Canada road trip for work, I snapped this moody black and white in the city of Salmon Arm, British Columbia. After a long day of driving over and through the Roger’s Pass and visiting schools from Golden to Salmon Arm, I was relieved to find...
by pattihenderson | Oct 24, 2010 | Weekend Adventures
On a recent business trip to Alberta, I was fortunate to be driving through Jasper National Park at just the right time of day, sunset… to capture this one. I literally drove off the road and went “whoa”. It is very true that the hour just before...