by pattihenderson | Mar 20, 2011 | Weekend Adventures
Take me where the sweet water flows Take me where the winds of spring blow As swaying as tide, bitter and sweet combined I close my eyes… Nothing to fear, there is no evil near Only you and me And water sweet, shallow but oh so deep So very deep Take me where...
by pattihenderson | Mar 13, 2011 | Weekend Adventures
Martin Luther certainly got a lot of things right, including his quote in the title of this post. I was in the midst of having the best afternoon ever last Sunday, walking along the sea wall near Stanley Park in Vancouver when I came across the gentleman above...
by pattihenderson | Feb 27, 2011 | Weekend Adventures
My Canadian readers – do you remember where you were a year ago today??? Can it be just a year ago that Sidney Crosby ended our agony and scored “the golden goal” in overtime to tie a red ribbon around an Olympic Games that was not only...
by pattihenderson | Feb 21, 2011 | Weekend Adventures
Have you ever stopped to wonder where some of our phrases come from? I am starting to as I seem to have adopted a large number of them from my parents. Some I use freely without wondering what they mean (dangerous!) and some I have grown curious about their...
by pattihenderson | Feb 13, 2011 | Weekend Adventures
This is a post (and a pun) for all of my farmer friends out there. Can you sense it? Spring is definitely in the air. Despite the wintry feel of the shot I took today of this desolate “honey wagon” on my way home from Forest (my original home away from...
by pattihenderson | Jan 29, 2011 | Weekend Adventures
Does anyone else out there absolutely love Apartment Therapy? It is a delicious web site festooned with interior design eye candy. The site daily lets you inside of the living rooms of hip home owners around the globe. You can find the site here BUT please promise...