by pattihenderson | Apr 21, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
Who on earth is Jennifer Land you ask, and why is she so demanding? Well, Jennifer Land is the daughter of Edwin Land, the brilliant inventor of the Polaroid camera. At the time she supposedly said this back in 1943, Jennifer was 3 years old and out on a walk with her...
by pattihenderson | Apr 13, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
This week I had the extreme good fortune to attend a local Toronto Beaches book club meeting where the author of the book was in attendance. You must understand what an incredible occurrence this was, as the author was none other than Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, known...
by pattihenderson | Apr 7, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
Today’s post started out as a story about the 40th anniversary of the cell phone; a milestone we hit mid-week when I usually start planning my Sunday post and what I should write about. Just imagine how far our mobile phones have come! I intended to write about...
by pattihenderson | Mar 31, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
J.K. Rowling is a smart lady. For many reasons. The number one reason in my book, at least for today, is her uncanny ability to share wisdom through her thoughtfully crafted characters. The full quote from dear Professor Dumbledore to Harry (i.e. to us, the reader)...
by pattihenderson | Mar 24, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
I have not been vagabonding much of late, so today I am sharing another instalment from “My Super-Awesome Oxford Adventure” series. I took the photo above of the impressive facade of the Oxford University Press building on Great Clarendon Street on a work...
by pattihenderson | Mar 17, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
I took this snap of Oxford’s famous Radcliffe Camera in the summer of 2002 while on a work trip at Oxford University Press. We were developing what would become the 8th Edition of the Canadian Oxford School Atlas. Check your shelves. You may have an edition of...