by pattihenderson | Oct 6, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
The perfect pairing with this week’s photo of an autumn barn is a quote from Carolyn Jourdan’s memoir, Heart in the Right Place. It goes as follows: “Inside a barn is a whole universe, with its own time zone and climate and ecosystem, a shadowy world...
by pattihenderson | Sep 29, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
I was reminded this week of an anniversary. Four years ago this month I began writing to you here as the Vagabond Photographer! At the time, I never really thought about the why’s or when’s of blogging. Indeed I am quite surprised that I kept a fairly...
by pattihenderson | Sep 22, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
At the risk of sounding like a cliche, it IS good to be back home again! John Denver seems to be my Driving-Home-to-Forest muse each time I hop in my Jeep and head west. This weekend I made a quick trip home to visit family and attend our yearly tradition, The Forest...
by pattihenderson | Sep 15, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
This spectacular view greeted me early this morning. September gives up the best sunrises I think! I was up early as I have been every Sunday on this day for the past 10 years to participate in the annual Toronto Beaches Terry Fox Run. As many of you know from past...
by pattihenderson | Sep 11, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
This past winter I found a tin of old photographs hidden in the back of my clothes closet. This tin has traveled with me with each move in Toronto for years but somehow I had forgotten about its existence. Inside I found all the photos I had taken with my old Fuji...
by pattihenderson | Sep 8, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
When I was 10, my Mum and Dad gave me the best Christmas present ever. You might think it was that magnificent Toronto Maple Leaf sweater I wore until it was in threads. It wasn’t. The gift to top all gifts was a brilliant yellow typewriter! As a child I wrote...