by pattihenderson | Mar 23, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
As I sit here at my desk in Cochrane, my Weather Network app tells me it is -14 outside right now, and it “feels like” -20. I look out my window to find another fresh dusting of the white stuff. What is the date again?? Didn’t the first day of spring...
by pattihenderson | Mar 16, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
When author Paul Auster wrote the quote above, I’m not sure if he had witnessed an Alberta sky but I’m sure that if he had, he would gasp. Yesterday I continued my new Saturday ritual: hopping in the Jeep, picking a road, a direction and seeing where that...
by pattihenderson | Mar 9, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Living in my new western home I notice the mountains calling my name each Saturday. Yesterday was no different. The day dawned warm (yay) and sunny and so I hopped in my Jeep and set my course for The Rockies. It is a beautiful and luckily for me, short drive and on...
by pattihenderson | Feb 23, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
On this day when Canada again wins Olympic Gold in hockey, can you imagine a better place to celebrate our game than on the ice at wondrous Lake Louise? I captured this snap last weekend and hoped that I would get a chance to use it before the end of the Sochi...
by pattihenderson | Feb 17, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Yesterday I had the good fortune to drive up into the mountains yet again; this time my destination was snowy, magical Lake Louise, Alberta. I have been to this stunning place several times but never in the midst of winter, and never with such a light heart filled...
by pattihenderson | Feb 2, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
The OED defines “wanderlust” as “a strong desire to travel.” I believe I have inherited mine from my Aunt Jackie McGee. You see, yesterday was the memorial service for our (and I say our as Aunt Jackie belonged to everyone!) Aunt Jackie...