by pattihenderson | Apr 13, 2015 | Weekend Adventures
Poet William Blake once wrote: “And we are put on earth a little space, That we may learn to bear the beams of love.” It may initially seem like an odd concept but trust me it rings true when you miss the folks you love. You see, last weekend I got the...
by pattihenderson | Mar 29, 2015 | Weekend Adventures
Have you ever used a word in context only to later learn that it does not mean what you thought? I have, on too many occasions to count! Recently I learned that I have been, for most of my adult life, using the word “ephemeral” wrong. I thought it meant a...
by pattihenderson | Mar 22, 2015 | Weekend Adventures
Today our family is saying goodbye to a dear friend, cherished uncle, brother, grandfather, and good man, my Uncle Laurie McGee. I am missing home and my family who I know will find this day challenging but hopefully also filled with unforgettable stories that will be...
by pattihenderson | Mar 15, 2015 | Weekend Adventures
Ansel Adams has long been a favourite photographer of mine. Not just for his stark, beautiful photos, but also for his thoughtful reflections on the act of taking photos. He understood better than most WHY he took each photo, what compelled him to take each...
by pattihenderson | Mar 8, 2015 | Weekend Adventures
Happy International Women’s Day! Today I have gathered together some of my favourite snaps from a World Cultures in Canada project I did for TVO several summer’s ago that reflect Maya Angelou’s gorgeous quote. Her whole quote goes as follows:...
by pattihenderson | Mar 1, 2015 | Weekend Adventures
Sunday mornings are bitter-sweet for me. I think many of you know that I am so lucky to have my Mum and Dad still with me back home in lovely Forest, Ontario. They are the most resilient pair I have ever known and now reaching their mid 80’s and approaching...