by pattihenderson | Oct 28, 2009 | Uncategorized
Did I mention that each place I visited on my BC road trip tour could easily become home? First it was Fernie (despite being regarded as “hippy heaven”) the landscape is rugged and stunning. Then I found Rossland, the town at the top of the mountain. I...
by pattihenderson | Oct 15, 2009 | Uncategorized
Typically, I’m a weekend warrior photographer, taking pictures when the spirit moves me but recently I’ve had 2 more “serious” events where taking a good shot is super important. So I went out and bought a fancier lens that lets me take shots...
by pattihenderson | Oct 10, 2009 | Uncategorized
This is my friend Pippi and she got hitched last night! I was the fortunate one who got to go along for the ride and take a few snaps along the way. I picked this one first because anyone who knows Rachel will love this shot. I do have a few more to share here...
by pattihenderson | Sep 23, 2009 | Uncategorized
Well, now that I’m 3 blogs in and gathering steam, I feel it’s time to ask you a favour if that’s ok? I really need your creative genius and honest opinion. I personally think the title of my photo web site, Patti Henderson Photography, is BORING. ...