by pattihenderson | Dec 11, 2011 | Uncategorized, Weekend Adventures
On this wonderfully sunny Sunday I am looking forward to my week ahead. Many of you know that I’ve had a bit of a rough ride this past fall and I find myself a little careworn, bedraggled, bumped and bruised. Despite this world-weary-ness I also find myself...
by pattihenderson | Dec 4, 2011 | Uncategorized
Today is the big day! Thanks to the design brilliance of Jimmy Guy at SpaceRace, I have a brand new photo website that brings my digital footprint under one virtual roof. Welcome to! You will see that Jimmy pretty much captured me in this new...
by pattihenderson | Nov 9, 2009 | Uncategorized
My hero growing up was Terry Fox. I was 12 when he lost his life to cancer and I remember being devastated. Our whole family was, and as a family, we participated in the very first Terry Fox Run at Canatara Park in Sarnia. It was probably the last time that I...
by pattihenderson | Nov 8, 2009 | Uncategorized
Could this be the start of an interesting season Leafs fans? Two wins in a row. Aren’t Saturday nights great? Go Leafs!
by pattihenderson | Nov 4, 2009 | Uncategorized
It means the world to me.
by pattihenderson | Nov 3, 2009 | Uncategorized
Thanks to everyone who participated in my “What’s In a Name?” contest! As you may recall, I have been struggling with coming up with a creative name for my photography “business” and the public has spoken. Ginger Snaps Photography it...