by pattihenderson | Aug 26, 2012 | Uncategorized, Weekend Adventures
Yesterday I had an adventure that I will look back on fondly for years! The day dawned sunny and warm. A refreshing breeze blew in off the lake. A perfect day for an adventure! But where? I contemplated taking fun midway shots at The Ex but since I’m not a fan...
by pattihenderson | Aug 19, 2012 | Uncategorized, Weekend Adventures
The title for today’s blog post could have been the well-worn and over-used “There is no ‘I’ in Team” but I thought this quote by H.E. Luccock describes best the inspiring brand of teamwork I had the pleasure to witness this weekend. The...
by pattihenderson | Aug 6, 2012 | Uncategorized, Weekend Adventures
I am sitting here in my Team Canada shirt, hoarse from cheering on our Canadian Women’s Soccer Team, and thinking about persistence. Not unlike the lone, persistent Jack Pine perched atop of this rugged Northern Ontario landscape, our team of valiant, persistent...
by pattihenderson | Jul 7, 2012 | Uncategorized
Today I was fortunate to watch some amazing Canadian athletes vie for a spot on our Summer Olympic Team competing in London in just a few weeks. Beach volleyball is perhaps one of my favourite sports as it requires a level of athleticism and fitness that is hard to...
by pattihenderson | Jul 1, 2012 | Uncategorized, Weekend Adventures
This past week I was the lucky recipient of an incredibly touching surprise. A good friend from home, Sarah McCann, contacted me to let me know her daughter Emma was working on a painting based on one of my recent photos from Peggy’s Cove. On Friday, in the...
by pattihenderson | Jun 4, 2012 | Uncategorized, Weekend Adventures
I just got back from a relaxing trip back home to see my folks in Forest. It seems that with each visit we spend more time reminiscing about “The Good Old Days”, telling our usual stories that start with “Do you remember when…” or pulling...