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Canada Is

Canada Is

This past Friday afternoon, after my last phone call was made and e-mail sent, I hopped in my car to find a peaceful trail to hike to celebrate the end of another school year. For once it was sunny and hot here on the west coast and a perfect day to stretch the legs...
Wise and Ancient Voices

Wise and Ancient Voices

I love to read. Working in the publishing industry no doubt has fostered and fed this love and I feel fortunate! One of my favourite authors and a very recent discovery is the late author Richard Wagamese. I was so sorry to hear about his recent passing and wish we...
Learn To Dance With the Limp

Learn To Dance With the Limp

One of my favourite books about writing is Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. Anne is a quirky, honest writer with an excellent sense of humour and a gift for crafting sentences that speak to the heart as well as the mind. When writing about grief Anne shares: “You...
“All That We Are Is Story”

“All That We Are Is Story”

Last weekend I was blessed with a soul-restoring mini-vacation at my most favourite place on this great earth, Tofino. On my last evening in this magical place I took this photo of Middle Beach just as the sun was making its great escape for another day. I stood for...
The Togetherness of a Family

The Togetherness of a Family

Former Israeli Prime Minister and Nobel Peace Prize winner Menachem Begin once wrote “Peace is the beauty of life. It is sunshine. It is the smile of a child, the love of a mother, the joy of a father, the togetherness of a family. It is the advancement of...