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My New Swiss Army Knife of Gadgets

My New Swiss Army Knife of Gadgets

This week I broke down and replaced my land line with what I am finding to be THE Swiss Army Knife of all gadgets, the iPhone 4S. I am amazed that so many formerly separate gadgets can now be found in one tiny, shiny package!  Anyone who knows me realizes I probably...
Take a Hike…Please.

Take a Hike…Please.

Yesterday was a perfect day!  The shot above was taken at stunning Mono Cliffs Provincial Park in the heart and height of the Bruce Trail near Orangeville.  When I looked the term “mono” up in the dictionary, I got several definitions. This one is NOT the...
The Road Taken

The Road Taken

This past Tuesday I had a laundry list of to-do’s (including laundry!) but when the morning dawned sunny and unseasonably warm I knew I had to throw caution to the wind and hop in my Jeep and drive. I tossed my roof in the back and headed for the rolling...


The Canadian Oxford Dictionary defines “providence” as “the protective care of God or nature.” On this Thanksgiving Monday, I am giving thanks for providence. I just got back from a lovely two-day road trip with my Mum and Dad. Every two years...
That’s A Good Idea!

That’s A Good Idea!

Here’s a snap of my city, Toronto, taken last Sunday as I was on the first loop of the annual Terry Fox Run here in the Beaches. We’re quite fortunate as the route takes you past the peaceful Ashbridge’s Bay Marina, along the much-travelled boardwalk...