by pattihenderson | Apr 30, 2012 | Weekend Adventures
Lime green, not unlike Tangerine Orange, is my happy colour! When I saw this vibrant assortment of iconic Fiesta-ware at The Beaumont Antique Mill in picturesque Glen Williams Saturday, my day was made. Let me start at the beginning… The day dawned bright and...
by pattihenderson | Mar 25, 2012 | Uncategorized, Weekend Adventures
This is perhaps one of my most favourite quotes from a brilliant re-telling of C.S. Lewis’ later life as a teacher at Oxford, the kleenex-required movie Shadowlands. In the movie Lewis shares the quote above with a serious young university student who...
by pattihenderson | Mar 11, 2012 | Weekend Adventures
Who would not love Toronto on such a fine spring day? I just got back from a glorious walk along the Toronto Beaches Boardwalk with my dear “publishing gals”, a tasty brunch in a local Beaches coffee shop whose owners know my coffee preferences and say hi...
by pattihenderson | Mar 4, 2012 | Weekend Adventures
Don’t you just love it when things come together? I have been thinking about convergence all weekend. It started with my drive home to my folk’s place in Forest. I try to take the back roads as often as possible – it is why the Jeep was invented! On...
by pattihenderson | Feb 19, 2012 | Weekend Adventures
As many of you know, I spent part of last week in hectic, frenetic, exciting New York City. I was fortunate to attend a conference called Tools of Change, a publishing industry gathering of the brightest and best intent on learning how to not only survive but...