by pattihenderson | Nov 11, 2012 | Weekend Adventures
As we are approaching the eleventh hour of the eleventh day, I am taking time to remember my two grandfathers who both participated in the two world wars not that long ago. My Grandpa Henderson fought in World War 1 and my Grandpa McGee fought in World War 2. I wish...
by pattihenderson | Nov 3, 2012 | Weekend Adventures
As many of you likely know by now I love to drive. Back roads. Country concessions. Endless highways. Anywhere where there is an horizon and a promise of freedom and perhaps escape. The shot above, taken just north of Mono Cliffs Provincial Park on a recent drive, is...
by pattihenderson | Oct 28, 2012 | Weekend Adventures
As I sit in my tiny apartment perched on the edge of Lake Ontario, I am smiling just recalling what it felt like to sit alone perched on the edge of the rugged and windswept Atlantic Ocean coastline just two days ago. The warmth of the late day sun shone on me...
by pattihenderson | Oct 21, 2012 | Weekend Adventures
Can you name that tune? It is my most favourite back roads adventure driving tune and it plays in my head every time I hop in my Jeep and drive out of the city in search of fresh air, rolling hillsides, fall colours and freedom. This past Tuesday dawned bright and...
by pattihenderson | Oct 14, 2012 | Weekend Adventures
Today I am celebrating a day at home. Just me. Home. Nowhere to go. No alarm clocks. Phones. Appointments. Conference calls. Ahhhhh. After a hectic long weekend and even more hectic work week, I am relieved to just stay put, listen to the crashing waves, crying...