by pattihenderson | Feb 16, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
While I could not ever be likened to Hamlet’s Ophelia, I did get me to a nunnery while on a work trip to Oxford in the early 2000’s. I took the photo above of Godstow Nunnery or Godstow Abbey on one of my daily walks to “work” at Oxford...
by pattihenderson | Feb 10, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
Oh Canada, what a week! One might think I have maple syrup coursing through my veins in a week filled with events truly Canuck in nature. It all began last weekend with our annual Association of Canadian Publisher’s meeting in downtown Toronto. After two days...
by pattihenderson | Feb 3, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
Meet Wordsworth, the one tonne guardian owl of The Beaches Public Library here in Toronto. I took the above snap of Wordsworth on my way home yesterday from an inspiring two-day meeting of The Association of Canadian Publishers. This year’s winter meeting...
by pattihenderson | Jan 27, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
Happy coincidences are my favourite kind! Today I was planning to share photos and stories from one of my most favourite working trips to Oxford England. Ten years ago I had the good fortune to be the publisher for an atlas that more than likely graced your bookshelf...
by pattihenderson | Jan 13, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
Have you ever gone to see a movie and have that movie stay with you long after you have left the theatre? I had such an experience yesterday after seeing the breathtaking, thought-provoking Life of Pi. The movie’s themes are very human, ranging from belief and...