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Minding Your P’s and Q’s

Minding Your P’s and Q’s

I have not been vagabonding much of late, so today I am sharing another instalment from “My Super-Awesome Oxford Adventure” series. I took the photo above of the impressive facade of the Oxford University Press building on Great Clarendon Street on a work...
A Different Kind of Camera

A Different Kind of Camera

I took this snap of Oxford’s famous Radcliffe Camera in the summer of 2002 while on a work trip at Oxford University Press. We were developing what would become the 8th Edition of the Canadian Oxford School Atlas. Check your shelves. You may have an edition of...
Life on MaRS

Life on MaRS

This week I was the lucky gal who got to attend BookNet Canada’s Technology Forum 2013 where professionals from  the Canadian publishing industry gathered under one roof to learn more about where publishing is headed and how to thrive in this new, constantly...
Long May Your Big Jib Draw

Long May Your Big Jib Draw

You might wonder what the title of this post means. I will get to that shortly. Patience dear reader! 🙂 I had intended to call this post “Where is Ringo?” as the photo above, taken at the base of Marble Mountain, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, reminds me a...