by pattihenderson | Jun 23, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
Today’s Globe and Mail carried an article by photographer Ian Brown entitled “Humanity takes millions of photos every day. Why are most forgettable?” In his article Brown reveals that he was recently on a panel of judges for the Banff Mountain...
by pattihenderson | Jun 16, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
Do you ever wonder how and why people, messages, or ideas seem to find you right at the moment you need them most? I have had this happen to me a lot in the past few months. Ever since I received another karmic kick in the seat from my much beloved publishing...
by pattihenderson | Jun 3, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
This past Thursday the newspaper and photo-journalism worlds witnessed a sudden sea change in how stories in the future will be reported upon and told. The Chicago Sun-Times editorial staff received this memo after 28 members of their photography staff were abruptly...
by pattihenderson | May 26, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
I have had this blog post clanking about in my head for a month now, and today is the day it finally makes sense as a story. If you have read my previous posts this month (thanks by the way!) about my reflections on a book called Instant: The Story of Polaroid by...
by pattihenderson | May 12, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
Peter Adams is on to something I think. Even though I love a simple, classic, thoughtfully composed photo (especially in black and white) and often strive for that with my Canon 7D, I also love the ability to evoke emotion with smart choices in colour and effect....