by pattihenderson | Feb 17, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Yesterday I had the good fortune to drive up into the mountains yet again; this time my destination was snowy, magical Lake Louise, Alberta. I have been to this stunning place several times but never in the midst of winter, and never with such a light heart filled...
by pattihenderson | Feb 2, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
The OED defines “wanderlust” as “a strong desire to travel.” I believe I have inherited mine from my Aunt Jackie McGee. You see, yesterday was the memorial service for our (and I say our as Aunt Jackie belonged to everyone!) Aunt Jackie yesterday back home in Ontario....
by pattihenderson | Jan 19, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
This is the view of my new town, Cochrane, Alberta, from the top of Big Hill Road bright and early this morning. The lights of the town nestled in the Bow Valley sparkle against the looming Rocky Mountains. Still on Eastern Standard Time, I got up in the chill, still...
by pattihenderson | Jan 1, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Did anyone else just watch the Winter Classic? Wasn’t it just a fantastic salute to hockey? As I was watching the game (in my lucky Mike Palmateer jersey) I recalled a New Years Day back in high school when a game of shinny started the year off just right. It was a...
by pattihenderson | Dec 22, 2013 | Weekend Adventures
“If the Fates allow…hang a shining star upon the highest bow. And have yourself a Merry Little Christmas now.” The immortal lyrics of Ralph Blane’s 1943 classic Christmas song have been clanging around in my heart the past few weeks as I prepare to not only head home...