by pattihenderson | Aug 31, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Happy Labour Day weekend! I hope this last official weekend of summer is treating you right? It is me, thanks! I am happy to report I had an appreciated epic Vagabond Adventure yesterday. The day dawned cool and bright. Perfect for a drive through the Rocky Mountains!...
by pattihenderson | Aug 24, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
In An Essay On Man, Alexander Pope writes Hope springs eternal in the human breast Man never is, but always will be blessed: The soul, uneasy and confined from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come. There is always hope! While passing through beautiful Hope,...
by pattihenderson | Aug 16, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Last Sunday afternoon I was in the midst of watching what would turn out to be the longest baseball game in Toronto Blue Jay’s history(!) when I learned that one of my favourite local Alberta artists was actually painting live at the exquisite Canada House Gallery in...
by pattihenderson | Aug 10, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Two weekends ago my Alberta Adventures took me to the smallest town in Alberta, Granum. As per usual, I was seeking out new roads to travel to new destinations. My end goal was Fort MacLeod and my chosen route was southbound from Cochrane on The Cowboy Trail,...
by pattihenderson | Aug 3, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Coulees and Hoodoos! Wrapping your mouth and mind around these two vowel-intense words may be difficult but they perfectly describe what you will find when you are lucky enough to adventure in Alberta’s famed “Badlands” as I did last Sunday when I captured this snap...