by pattihenderson | Oct 5, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Today I have some good news to share! As many of you who follow my weekly Vagabond Adventures know, I have been enjoying a one year contract in stunning Alberta with my company, Pearson Canada. This week I learned that I will be moving to equally stunning British...
by pattihenderson | Sep 28, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Ansel Adams has long been one of my favourite photographers. I love the simplicity mixed with awe in each spell-binding, stark, black and white still. What I appreciate even more is his ability to eloquently put into words his philosophy behind his work. Let me share...
by pattihenderson | Sep 21, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Susan Sontag’s wonderful quote was on my mind yesterday as I headed out the door for another Vagabond Photography Adventure. As the days grow shorter and colder, I find myself referring back to my “Alberta Bucket List” of things to see and do before the snow flies...
by pattihenderson | Sep 14, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
Last Sunday afternoon I had this ominous mantra from The Game of Thrones in my head as I took the roof off my Jeep and hit the road on a warm, 26 degree, sunny day. I had just checked the weather forecast for the week ahead and was dismayed to hear that it could be a...
by pattihenderson | Sep 7, 2014 | Weekend Adventures
So…it snowed in Alberta this week. Happy first week of September! Twelve centimetres of the fluffy white stuff fell in the south and this event prompted me to explore a route I had been putting off for “a nice fall trip.” I have long wondered what Route #40 looked...