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“Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up” – Dean Karnazes, Ultramarathon Runner

Last Sunday I had the good fortune to witness my work colleagues complete the Toronto 5K at the Toronto Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon 2019. I rose early (not nearly as early as they did!) and found my way to Nathan Philips Square, the official finish line for the race. I was so excited to cheer on my friends and document this incredible journey. So of course I had to take some snaps!

Nathan Philips Square before the race began

I could not be more proud to witness this cheerful, courageous group of friends complete an incredible race. This was in fact the first race for several of them! Since I only run when I’m being chased 🙂 my role was simple…to document this feat, and write about it here.

The Pearson Run Club after the big race.

Who is this group of runners and how did they reach the finish line of a major race? It is a fascinating story. You see, we all work for Pearson Canada in the School Division where we develop resources and courses to help support teaching and learning in Canada. In this group we have content developers, editors and marketers who by day toil away at busy desks but after hours and on weekends gather together to get some much-needed exercise and enjoy each other’s company in a healthy pursuit known as The Pearson Run Club.

What IS the Pearson Run Club? Team member Cara shares that “The Pearson Run Club is a group of co-workers who run together at least once a week, after work. We take advantage of the lovely trails and parks right next to the office. There are experienced runners and new runners. This year, our first year, the new runners were guided in a run-walk training schedule that eventually allowed them to run for at least 30 minutes without stopping. Together we set a goal of training through the summer and running a 5k race in the fall — we chose the Scotiabank 5k in downtown Toronto. A very big goal for the new runners, who met it splendidly and are now excited to do more”

When I asked each member what (or who) inspired them to start running, each pointed in one direction, Cara James, the inspirational leader of The Pearson Run Club. So, let’s start this story at the beginning, with Cara’s journey to running. You will see that even the best runners start somewhere, and sometimes for some very simple, disarmingly humble reasons:

“I decided to take a learn-to-run course after the end of a long-term relationship. I needed a challenge to distract me and get me off the couch, and at the time I couldn’t think of anything more challenging than running!”

Cara’s running journey is a thoughtful one. When I asked her what some of her initial challenges were when she first started running, she responded “I soon discovered that the mental aspect of running can be far more challenging than the physical. But just like your body, your mind can be trained. Motivation is purely mental, and you can form good habits that get you out the door in the first place (sometimes the hardest step). Setting goals, such as races, better times, or longer distances, has really kept me on track. During a run, your brain must constantly battle with your body (your body always wants what is easiest, which is to stop; your brain has to convince it to keep moving). And then you have to deal with the anxiety and doubt that always comes when you challenge yourself to do something new, or something that’s not easy. Like me, you may have to get over the fact that you are not a particularly physically gifted runner, and stop comparing yourself to others. Those feelings will only hold you back, and you can’t let them win. My favourite part of a run is when I realize that I have thought of nothing for the past km or so. That zen moment is really the best.”

If running can be such a physical and mental challenge, surely there is a reason why Cara (and now her Pearson Run Club team mates) keeps running? Cara shares “The best part of running, for me, is knowing that I have set goals and met them. And some of these goals (completing a marathon, for example) are ones that I would never have dreamed of setting when I was younger. Now I’m reaching middle age and I’m fitter than I’ve ever been in my entire life–I could totally outrun my teenage self right now! 🙂 There’s also the pure pleasure that can be found in it — running outside, on a cool fall morning, listening to birds and saying hi to my neighbours or the old guys gossiping at the coffee shop, waving or nodding to other runners, getting home to a nice breakfast and a hot shower, all before 8 am — I just love that. I’m so glad that I am able to do this and I’m going to keep doing it as long as I can.

When I asked team member Lee Ensor what inspired her to start, and keep, running she shared “I blame Cara!!! (kidding) She suggested that Kayla and I run the Diva race with her a couple of years ago. We got to run in a tutu and earn a boa and tiara at the end of the race–who could resist! But once I got that first medal, I was hooked. Now I (typically) enjoy running and I do like that it keeps me active.”

First-time racer Ioana Gagea’s story is a compelling one:

“The most challenging (therefore the most exciting) part is re-discovering myself over and over again, with every run, every bit of pain, every feeling of overwhelm and exhaustion. Digging deeper, then overcoming it. Now I know I can do it, every single time.”

Ioana crossing the finish line of her very first race!

While understanding why this group began their running journey is inspiring…everyone loves a good origin story (!!), I was equally interested in their reasons for participating in The Pearson Run Club and what benefits they have witnessed from running together. This is a feel-good story of friendship, companionship and teamwork! First-time runner Soyeon Kim shares

” Pearson Run Club is where I learned to run outside and that running doesn’t have to be a lonely fight against myself but a journey that I can take with my friends. The best part of the Pearson Run Club is the running spirit! Everyone is so supportive and has such a big heart that you feel most welcome no matter what your level may be. I can be myself, enjoy nature, and be active with people you love!” 

Soyeon and her Pearson Run Club team mates starting an after work run

Ioana writes that the best part is “By a mile, the team. Every time we run together, I feel inspired, lifted up, embraced, motivated, healed by their warm resilience and determination. Cara is the most kind and thoughtful leader, Lee and Soyeon’s company makes me a better version of myself. The team.”

Lee agrees: “The best part about the run club is running with friends! We encourage each other and it’s awesome to celebrate our achievements together. I can’t wait to run another race with them.”

Cara shares: “The best part of run club is seeing others challenge themselves, try running, and surprise themselves with their abilities and potential. These are feelings I’ve experienced myself and it’s really nice to see that in others. Not to mention how rewarding it can be to go for a run after a long day sitting in meetings or at a desk! After our run, we always come back into the office laughing and smiling. I love that.”

So what is next for this intrepid group of runners? Is this the end of their running story or is it merely the beginning? Cara shares “The race goal has been met for this year, but that’s not the end of our training! We will keep running until it gets too icy or snowy, and then make plans for the spring. And there is already a plan to train for a 10k race next summer!”

I for one look forward to witnessing more races, more teamwork and friendship! As I walked home from the race on Sunday, I found a local Toronto restaurant with a fun magnetic wall out front (Betty’s on King Street East). It seemed fitting to share that The Pearson Run Club was here on this very special day in Toronto!

Thanks to my colleagues Cara, Lee, Ioana and Soyeon for sharing your running journey with us here today. You have helped us to realize that anything is possible if you believe in yourself, put one foot in front of the other and try your best…whether your goal is to participate in a race, to enjoy the friendship of colleagues, or even to get healthier while enjoying nature. To all of The Pearson Run Club members, thanks for inspiring us!