The title for today’s blog post could have been the well-worn and over-used “There is no ‘I’ in Team” but I thought this quote by H.E. Luccock describes best the inspiring brand of teamwork I had the pleasure to witness this weekend. The handsome young gentlemen you see above are from Alvinston Ontario and they played their hearts out in the Ontario Summer Games presently being held in Toronto. I am the proud aunt of Alvinston’s stalwart left fielder, Corey Chalupka, and sister-in-law to coach Brian Chalupka. Over three days and three strongly contested matches we witnessed an inspiring opening ceremonies at Varsity Stadium, acrobatic snags, timely hitting, low-flying airplanes, boisterous cheering and best of all, a strong sense of community pride and spirit. I was both pleased and proud to be able to capture our Ontario Games adventure with my trusty Canon 7D, and you can find all the softball action here. Well done A-Town! Thanks for the memories!