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"Oh my gourd, what's wrong with my headlights?"

The Red Eye from Vancouver plunked me back down in Ontario at 7 am yesterday.  It will be a long time before I get to see the stunning scenery I had the good fortune to witness last week throughout Alberta and British Columbia.  Oohs and Aahs around every corner. Elk too.  And even the odd abandoned relic…

Desoto 3

The weather in Alberta, specifically Lake Louise, was more early winter than fall, with wet snow and fog, but once I crossed the border over the Vermillion Pass, a balmy 17 degrees welcomed me as I cruised past Cranbrook BC on my way to Fernie and points beyond.  A great trip!   My busy work itinerary didn’t leave much room for too many shots (and I’m not complaining – its great to be busy!) but I managed a few.  I will share them, and their stories, later this week when the jet lag has worn off.  If you want a sneak peek (and promise to read the next few blogs anyways…), I`ve posted the lot on my web site:  Over and out.

"Oh my gourd, what's wrong with my headlights?"

"Oh my gourd, what's wrong with my headlights?"